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Shop Hopper 

Mobile App




Shop Hopper is like google maps for stores. Have you ever been looking for something in Walmart and can't seem where to find it? Or anyone else who does? Say goodbye to hunting down associates who don't know where they left their marbles. Hop-in and out of stores quickly with the press of a button. 


Additionally, Shop Hopper gives you Amazon reviews on products, so you know which product is the best. Coupons are available through the app, so saving money is a breeze. 


From left to right are screenshots of what a solution might look like increasing in complexity. A) Ahows the user just the isle number with a description. B) Guides the user in a 'birds-eye' navigation. C) Shows the users upon arrival the different amazon rankings in comparison. This is currently a side project that my brother and I are working to develop. Stay tuned!

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