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Tripster: Road Trip Companion App

Mobile App



Product Designer



Have you ever been on a road trip and thought “Are we there yet?” When things go right, road trips are awesome, but when things go wrong they can be a stress, a bore, or even a nightmare. That’s where Tripster comes in. This interactive app lets you know where to stop along the way, lets you collaborate on a music queue with other passengers, and provides interesting topics and riddles for discussion. With Tripster, you'll never be bored on the road again. 



32 People were surveyed through 3 different channels: In- person Interviews, Text / SMS, and Facebook. In addition, a ‘design thinking’ session was held with 4 people that closely matched our persona. According to our results the average user went on at least 4 trips a year and a 'road trip' was anything over 4 hours. 74% mentioned music as a thing they loved while 78% mentioned being physically uncomfortable as something they hated. From this we decided a solution would not only have to solve the pain but also incorporate music into the experience. 

Best: Good Music, Unexpected Sights, Bonding / Deep Talks, and Snacks
Worst: Physical Discomfort, Planning, Boredom, Paying, and No Cell Service.

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